
Pakistani F-16s Link-16 Capabiltiy

The Pakistan Air Force will acquire a system for ground support from the Tactical Communications Group of Massachusetts. The order for the system, stated by TCG, came from the U.S. Air Forces’ ESC (Electronics Systems Center).

The GSS solution, provided by TCG, will allow pilots to support commercial-off-the-shelf capability to support Link 16 simulation training. This can be done by virtualizing the operations and certain situational awareness on Pakistani F-16 aircraft.

The Pakistan Air Force will be able to connect to airborne networks by using the GSS. This is done with low cost and conduct efficient, yet effective training of aviation personnel and network operators.
The system will be able to provide certain options regarding growth and additional data link networking for operations and maintenance training. This is virtualized for use on the system and its components in southeastern Pakistan.

“This customer win signifies the grip TCG’s systems are receiving in the international military arena,” said TCG CEO Officer Ed Durkin. “For an affordable price, we are providing the Pakistan Air Force best possible ground link 16 capabilities.”

“TCG’s GSS solution, compared to its proven COTS Ground Tactical Data Link System, is a mere extension, and was chosen because of its comprehensive operational and training design, not to mention its capabilities.”

The in 2001 founded Tactical Communications Group, is an independent worldwide supplier of tactical data link software solutions for the military.