K11 combination weapon enters service with South Korea

The South Korean K11 combination 20 mm grenade launcher and 5.56 mmcarbine is now entering service and is expected to be deployed inAfghanistan when South Korean troops re-enter theatre in 2011.
K11 is the first shouldered gun able to fire air-burst grenades. Itis relatively compact at 86 cm long - the 20 mm barrel is 40.5 cm longand the carbine is 31 cm - and weighs 6.1 kg including its battery, butwithout magazines. The latter house 30 bullets and five grenades.

The grenade is available in two versions - the high explosivefragmentation K167 and target practice K168 – both weigh 100 g and arefired at a muzzle velocity of 180 m/s for an effective range of 500 m
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