Boeing NewGen Tanker Would Bring Jobs, Orders to Ohio

ST. LOUIS: The Boeing Company today announced that Ohio will benefit from approximately 690 total jobs and an estimated $33 million in annual economic impact if the Boeing NewGen Tanker is selected as the U.S. Air Force's next aerial refueling aircraft.

Currently, Boeing works with 500 suppliers/vendors in Ohio, resulting in an estimated $4.7 billion in annual economic impact and supporting an estimated 190,000 direct and indirect jobs in the state.
One of Boeing's key Ohio suppliers is Ravenna-based Allen AircraftProducts, a leader in the production of aircraft fluid systemscomponents and metal finishing processing for both commercial and military aircraft.
"Allen Aircraft and its workers are proud to be a part of a Boeingteam that is ready to provide the taxpayer with the best tanker," saidNeil Mann Jr., president, Allen Aircraft Products. "This partnershipbetween Allen and Boeing's talented U.S. work force will deliver amuch-needed economic boost to Ohio communities and the most capabletanker at the best price to the Air Force."
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