Russian arms "Made in China"

The world is watching the huge potential of China. It has a huge andgrowing middle class and reserves worth $1 Trillion

. The old sayinggoes something like this… ”If China needed 1 billion refrigerators,it would buy, one German fridge, one American fridge, one Russianfridge and one French fridge…it would then copy all of them as“Made in China” products”. The Chinese have huge “reengineeringfactories”, where thousands of young graduates from universities breakdown every latest foreign made product into small pieces and try toassemble it back together with Chinese made parts. If sa 100% assemblyis not possible, the particular part is given to more experienceengineers to decipher, and design. This process continues ’till theentire product has Chinese made products. It may take the Chinese a fewdays, a few weeks, a few months or even a few years, but ultimately theChinese “Made in China” product emerges at a cheaper price. The Chinesemake the appropriate changes and then flood the market with productsthat are cheaper in cost.

In the menatime, expereinced engineers are busy designing new innovative prodeucts based on the experience and market conditions.
This is exactly what has happened with Russian arms to China. A case inpoint. China purchased kits to assemble 200 Su-27SK Russian fighters.After assembling 105 planes, China canceled the deal. Many beleive thatChina is manufacturing a fighter that is in effect a replica of theRussian Sukhoi Su-27.
Russia has supplied China with weapons worth a total of more than$25 billion for the past 15 years. Aircraft, ships and air defensesaccount for the bulk of this sum. An aircraft engine that China istrying to make is effectively a replica of Russia’s AL-31F though Chinais assuring experts that it has designed the engine.
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